Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saying Goodbye

To my readers,

Saying goodbye is always a difficult thing to do. But closing certain doors in our lives is necessary for growth. When I first envisioned Saved and the City, it was certainly relevant to who I was at the time of its inception. I shared my thoughts and experiences with you during a very difficult time in my life. My time of conditioning.

Today, I am a very different woman, with a very different perspective. I am saying goodbye to some old visions, because their time has passed - restructuring others - and opening doors to new life.

I am still writer, you will never see one without the other... and I still enjoy blogging, so you can, of course, look forward to something very new from me (and for me :-) ) in the near future.

I will keep this blog live for a few days, I'd like to exchange contact information with you all, so that I may reconnect with you as my new endeavors unfold.

My email:

Thank you, love you!
